Are you worried when you think about money?

Do you avoid looking at your finances because you don’t like to think about money?

Finish this sentence:

When I think about money I feel _______________
Is your answer a negative emotion?

Then this programme is for YOU!

This powerful 6-week group coaching will guide you step-by-step in uncovering and letting go of subconscious programming that secretly limits your earning, confidence and wealth.

As we clear the blocks to your money you will feel more personal power, natural confidence and take enthusiastic action.

You work on your physical and emotional fitness, now you can work on your financial fitness.

Your finances are interconnected with your relationships, health, upbringing, and values.

This programme includes:

  • 6 online live coaching sessions (60-90mins)
  • Recordings of all sessions
  • Resources and worksheets

You will:

$ Identify your conscious beliefs, thoughts and money habits

$ Learn about the mind-body-money connection

$ Discover your subconscious beliefs and habits that secretly sabotage you

$ Learn about the four types of money & how they affect your thoughts and actions

$ Create your own personal Money Map

$ Release your old money story

$ Learn a powerful mind-body tool that quickly transforms anger and stress into calm and peace of mind

$ Create new beliefs that serve you and your financial future

$ Open to the energy of
receiving, feeling worthy and deserving

Your investment:

$497 for the six week “Financial Fitne$$ for Women” group coaching programme

Starting Tuesday 6th November @ 7pm AWST

Early bird discount ends Friday 2nd November.

 Sign up by Friday 2nd November and pay only $397

How much is this stress about money costing you in your relationships, health and wellbeing?

Can you afford to stay stuck in your old money story?

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do”

~ Brené Brown

This programme will pay for itself many times over as your financial fitness and confidence improve.

Act NOW before the Earlybird discount finishes.
We are starting very soon!

0417 901 745


Infinite Clarity Pty Ltd

Financial Fitness for Women
